Change the way you sell
You glance at the digital clock on your home office desk as you lower yourself into the chair, carefully, so as not to spill the coffee from the enormous mug in your hand. Your vision still a little blurry after last night’s festivities, it takes you a few seconds to register that the clock is, in fact, upside down. You pick it up and set it back down properly. 10:05 AM, the day after Christmas. Not too late. Your boss had sounded very insistent that the new sales campaign gets done as soon as possible, and that you close the sales targets for the month.
Powering up your laptop, you thank god that the business overlords had finally let go of the “work from office” concepts and shifted to the cloud so you can work from anywhere you wanted to. After the huge Christmas dinner and all the cake and all the wine (which was most likely responsible for the overturned clock), you just didn’t feel up to the task of driving to the office and had opted to work from home instead.
“Just about a hundred customers, that’s all. Shouldn’t be too long”, he had said, as though simply asking for ketchup at a restaurant. “Well, doesn’t matter, I’ve got an app for that”, you think, grinning to yourself. You log in to your account to find the new campaign already created, prepped, and ready to go. Skimming through your notifications, you see that there are about 10 customers who had called your system yesterday night (on Christmas night, really!) and a mail saying that your on-going deal with Barracudas has been closed (initiate virtual dab). You take a sip from your mug, adjust your headset, crack your knuckles, and begin.
You decide to run the campaign via text message first. You find the option and smile. This is your favorite part. You click “Start”. Loading, and… Done! All hundred customers reached via SMS in under a minute! And now, while you wait for the customers to reply stating their interest in a new product, you call back the earlier 10 customers to see why they had called. The system highlights to you that one of them, Mr. Sam Alex, had enquired about new software in his last 2 calls. Looks like it’s time to close the deal! After you finish all the calls and mark your feedback, the system gives you reports on how the customers were responding, based on behavioral analysis, and Sam Alex seems very happy with the meeting he just had with you. You send him a closure mail with the pricing details knowing that you have convinced him and the deal is done.
By this time, the system had already screened out a set of customers who had given their okay for the new campaign, and you proceed to call them one by one, and by lunchtime you have already converted 15 of them, comfortably meeting your target for this month. The daily report would be automatically sent to your boss, detailing your success. You minimize the window, relaxed, now that your work for the month was done, and gaze lovingly at the little red icon of the magic app that had made your job such a breeze. You head out for lunch, confident that the software would have your back while you were away.
Does this feel like a story taken straight out of a 2040, Sales-fiction movie?
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